Current Project

  • Currently I am editing my book! I look forward to having it published!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Finally Published My Book!

Finally got around to publishing my book. Here is the link if you are interested ;)

I hope you all like it.

Just a quick favor to ask. To all who buy my book, please write a review on it at if you would. It should be available there in a week or so and it would help me tremendously if you would. ;) Thanks!


Friday, March 23, 2012

About time for an update!

Well, I just remembered I had this blog ;) I should be posting here more often.

I got a great job in NM working for Siemens Healthcare DX. I am field service for them and work on blood analyzers.

Suzy and the boys are doing great and life is going well for a change.

I will post more later.
